Answered By: Davy Gibbs
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2023     Views: 366

When you use online Library resources while working off-campus, you will be asked to sign in with your University username and password, the same as those you use for all Piedmont University systems, including your student email account, Microsoft Office, Canvas, Starfish, and self-service.

As a reminder, your University username is the first part of your Piedmont email address (everything before the @ symbol, i.e. jsmith0101). If you have forgotten your password, here's how to change it:

  • Go to, and click Sign In. (If you find that you are already signed in, click on your avatar in the top-right and then Sign out. You will then be directed to a screen where you will have the option of signing back in.)
  • On the next page, enter your full University email address (if it doesn't already appear) and click Next.
  • The next screen should show you a Piedmont University background and will ask you for your password. Regardless of whether or not anything appears in the password field (you may have saved your password here previously), click the Forgot my password link under the password field.
  • Follow the prompts to change your password.
  • You may need to wait about 5 minutes for your new password to become active and available to all University systems.
  • Once you've done this, you will have changed your password for ALL University systems.

IMPORTANT! If you have saved your old password on other web pages or web browsers -- on any device you use -- you'll need to enter the new password there manually and re-save.

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